In this day and age, technology plays an integral part of most businesses. However, the digital world also has its pitfalls. Data loss, file corruption, unauthorised access, malicious web traffic and much more are possible when using the internet.
Fortunately, the expert team at Xenex Systems can ensure that your data and IT systems are safe and secure. We’re able to protect your business from real and potential IT threats utilising measures such as cloud solutions, secure communications, audits and reviews, data backup management, and IT support and helpdesk.
Cloud solutions
The ‘cloud’ refers to a global network of servers that are accessed over the internet, and the software and databases that use those servers. Using the cloud for data storage, email and office applications will create stability for your business and give you access to business information from anywhere in the world. It will allow your staff to work remotely and share files, and enable the continuity of business activities after a critical cyber security incident. The National Broadband Network (nbn™) is a key enabler for cloud-based services, as it allows for the best possible connection for your location and business requirements.
When files are uploaded to your cloud storage, the data is copied, or backed up multiple times across a number of physical servers around the world. This is called redundancy and means that if one of the physical servers suddenly fails, copies of your files are still available on another server and are not lost indefinitely. Due to instantaneous updates to each data copy, redundancy is nearly impossible to achieve without cloud storage.
Cloud networks are under constant surveillance by our cyber security experts, meaning that any digital threats and hackers are identified and locked out as soon as they appear.
To further ensure that your data is safe when stored in the cloud or when in transit from your device to the cloud, your files and sensitive information will be encrypted. Encryption means that data is scrambled and only authorised parties, i.e. those who have the encryption key, can understand and interpret the information. If a hacker manages to breach security or find a vulnerability in the cloud, then they will only find encrypted data that is unable to be leaked, exposed or sold. Only you will have the decryption key, so you can rest assured that if all other security measures fail, your data will still be safe.
Identity and access management (IAM) products are used to authorise and restrict user access as necessary. IAM is an important tool in cloud environments as it uses an employee’s identity to allow certain access privileges based on the requirements of their role. This helps to reduce the threat of unauthorised users gaining access to secured internal data or authorised users exceeding their privileges.
A cloud firewall will defend the cloud’s assets by blocking potentially malicious web traffic from entering the network perimeter. Firewalls are hosted in the cloud, integrate easily with cloud infrastructure, and can be scaled rapidly to handle more traffic if necessary. We install cloud firewalls to build a virtual security barrier around your data and IT systems.
Secure communications
Our internet and nbn™ packages connect straight to our data centre in the CBD, which means you’ll have private, secure data communication.
IT audit and reviews
Our IT consultants will help you plan better security for your systems with an audit tailored to the required compliance framework. We’ll measure your current data security, security awareness, access control, asset management, communications safety, data backups, disaster recovery, business continuity planning and much more through an inclusive IT audit.
Our experts will conduct a deep dive into your system and identify the cybersecurity risks most relevant to your business. We’ll then create a disaster plan and recommend the best ways for you to manage those risks by protecting you from viruses, spyware, malware, phishing, and more. In the event of critical hardware failure or a cybersecurity breach, we’ll assist with the recovery of data and repair of server and desktop operating systems.
Data backup management
We guard your business against critical data corruption or loss caused by human error, software crashes or cyber-attacks by backing up your data. We monitor and manage your data 24/7, 365 days a year to ensure your data is safely backed up and provide restoration of data if required.
IT support and helpdesk
To ensure that your systems are always safe, our skilled technicians will be available 24/7 to assist via phone and remote interactive support. Our helpdesk service means ongoing remote monitoring and management of your network as well as any potential issues being brought to your attention as they unfold.
At Xenex Systems, we offer round-the-clock remote support anywhere in Australia and onsite day support to businesses located in Perth and Adelaide. If you’d like our expert team to ensure that your systems are safe, please get in touch Contact | Xenex Systems.